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About Legito

People Of Legito: Jakub Ludwig

People Of Legito: Jakub Ludwig

At first, I was working for Legito as a subcontractor through a web development agency, but the product was so awesome, in contrast to the projects I worked on for other clients, that I wanted to get more involved. I could see a meaning in Legito, and a great potential for growth, so one day I said “Guys, seriously, just hire me already”. And they did.

Summary of 2019

Summary of 2019

Phew! The last 12 months have been quite a ride! We doubled our team and overcame many obstacles and challenges to...

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a term used to describe a company’s efforts to maximize their positive impact...

First Year

First Year

This week we’ll celebrate our two year anniversary since our founding. Personally, I prefer to write about future...

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